My life the last 8 years has been a beautiful, wild, and unpredictable ride. I have gotten to the point where there has been so much ridiculousness the only logical explanation, the simplest answer, is most likely, that there is “something going on”. This is an overview of my experiences thus far. From my perspective. I am in no way affiliated with Bashar Communications.
This is my introduction to more of me. I feel like after this, I have “caught up” with myself and I can start sharing more and more. Discovering more and more. Here we go.
Channeling is a natural state that we all access in our own ways. We can bring through different aspects of ourselves and in some cases energies that symbolize the representation of “an other” frequency. Even playing roles in traditional theater, I was aware that diving into the character allowed me to understand, relate to, and integrate different aspects of myself. “Channeling” is an altered state of our consciousness. We all traverse different levels of the state at different times. It is natural expression. Any time we are in the flow. Doing something we love to do. An actor in a role, a musician writing a song, a painter painting, an athlete in the game. Most of us are familiar with this state in some way, shape, or form. Most can even understand feeling of the connection to something “more” We say, “the energy flows through us” or “I don’t know where that came from, I just felt guided to do it” Many of us can relate to our creations even having “a life of their own”.
As a performer in musical theater for most of my young life, I grew up channeling. I received extensive training to learn how to be the best version possible of this type of channel, an “actor”. As I grew into adult hood, my beliefs began to shift and my perspectives expanded. Changing the way I view reality. I was always connected to the idea of “spirituality”, the importance of imagination and the knowing that there was something “more”, but not even I was expecting what came next.
This started to unravel and come together for me when my friend
Jen Thomson

gave me an intuitive reading, she said she could feel and see many Extra-Terrestrials and Aliens in my “space”, my energy field.
“What? They are real?” I asked.
I have come to believe, that yes, ETs, Aliens, Multi-dimensional beings, ect…. are Very real. What many consider impossible or extraordinary, to me, has become ordinary. It is actually, “super natural”. It his our true his and her story. That being said, I do not want to force my beliefs on any one. I have learned it is so beautiful and important for us to be able to see other people’s perspectives. To be able to hold a space for their story to exist. Doing our best to not get lost in the details. For we all have our own way of seeing and telling stories. But we all want the same thing at the end of the day. Love. How we actually get there will be varied. But through feeling the allegory in each other’s story, that is how we create “magic”. With that, I do think it is important to explain a bit of the expository information from my perspective. I am writing this to people who are coming from very different perspectives of reality. There are my friends and family members who know me, but may have no idea what I am talking about. Then there are members of the community who do not “know” me, but do know what I am talking about.
One night, I had a spontaneous vocal channeling. Jen was there to hold space and witness. This was induced with one hit of cannabis, I had not ingested any in some time. It had usually put me into a states that I was not yet familiar with. A high frequency connection where I had always been able to receive information. But with out a reference point, it had freaked me out, so I never partook. I had learned some meditation techniques by this point and my senses had expanded. Before she offered to smoke a little ganja, Jen had told me her version of the true story of creation. I was in a completely new understanding of reality. Everything I thought I knew had fallen into the dust. Everything had never felt so right. It had all fallen into pieces. I was curious. So, I said yes, and took one good deep hit. At first I was scared. In fear. Jen led me through a parts work emotional processing visualization. I was to put myself in a theater, put the fear on stage, allow it to take form. It was a dragon. She told me to allow myself to get as close to it as I could. To feel the feeling of the fear. To allow myself to feel it, to see it for what it really was. Fractals. The scales of the dragon were all mirrors. I could see through its costume. I could see its true light. A messenger. Then the fear was gone. And there was love. I had the knowing in the moment of being reintroduced to family. Feeling that I had made an agreement and an asking if I wanted to continue. I was given an invitation to the agreement while I was aware my body was talking, giving information while I was receiving my own lesson and vision. I exited the state to find Jen a little shocked and definitely excited. She recognized the energy.
“Have you ever heard of Bashar?” I had not. Jen told me that there was such a thing as vocal channeling. I had never heard of this before that night. Bashar is the name given by the being brought forth through Darryl Anka. I now know he is not the only person to have had this type of connection. There are many well known vocal channels in the metaphysical community bringing through a variety of different energies and beings. This specific type of channeling has become more “normal” and well known in these circles. Everything is frequency. We are able to tune into different radio stations and bring through different genres. We can even bring in the true nature of “the moment” where all realities exist here and now. The past, present, and future, all being played on the “all that is” radio. There is the version of us that has already created the greatest painting, designed the most beautiful clothing collection, there is already the version of us that is living our true frequency, when we “bring” anything through, that is what we are connecting to, a version, a creation that already exists. In the case of vocal channeling, often times the “expression” or the art piece presents itself as another being all together. This is not like a “possession” or “taking over”. There is always the awareness of choice. Synchronicity will often lead to channel “turning on”. Teachings or lessons will come in about how to enter into their own version of the channeling state. They are usually guided through levels of emotional awareness to adjust their frequency closer to that of the being. The archetype of the character is then given, the personality and perspective. It really does then become very close to the experience of an actor playing a role. Just a slightly deeper form of improv. Often times there can be soul connections between the being and the channel. Or, and, the beings represent themselves as part of a greater collective. But either way, they have their own experiences and perspectives. Or so “they” say. There is no way to actually know for certain, at this time, that there is a “they”. This information could be “just” an extension of the channel. Often times, the beings will state that is actually exactly what they are doing, serving as a mirror to ourselves, our higher selves. And we are ultimately all one. So even if the being is very real, they are still, in a greater sense, a part of the channel. A part of the collective. A part of the Whole.
Bashar Communications writes “Bashar is a multidimensional being, a friend from the future who has spoken for the past 34 years through channel Darryl Anka. He has brought through a wave of new information that clearly explains in detail how the universe works, and how each person creates the reality they experience. Over the years, thousands of individuals have had the opportunity to apply these principles, and see that they really work to change their lives and create the reality that they desire. Overwhelmingly the response we receive is “This works!” http://www.bashar.org/

I looked up Bashar on Youtube that night after I first channeled. Even though the process of vocal channeling looks a little odd, there was something in it that felt completely natural to me. The specific frequency of Bashar resonated with me deeply. I cried tears of shock and awe. Feeling a reconnection to something that I had forgotten I had forgotten. From my understandings, Bashar is what we would call an extra-terrestrial existing in an alternate dimension from one of our potential futures. His planet is called Essassani. The race is called the Sassani. He is a descendant from what we could call the Grey Human Hybrid program. The Greys are from a parallel future time line of earth. They were aspects, different versions of us. In that time line of earth, humans developed an out of balance reliance on technology. A severing from the emotional body and the planet. This resulted in the need to mutate their physical forms to be able to survive which then in turn, turned to cloning and eventually, the inability to procreate naturally. As the story goes, because of their advanced technology they had the ability to “tunnel back” to our time line to interact with us. These are where the classic “abduction” experiences come from. There was a genetic program to retrieve viable DNA from our time line of Earth. A circle of service. Future aspects of our selves helping our selves. Regardless of how we may remember our experiences, we have agreed from a spirit/soul/will/heart level to be a part of the program. Creating a new timeline for all involved. A way for not only the Greys and us, but for all our descendants and ancestors, to be given the opportunity to evolve. To come into ballance. To come into true integration. For not only is there the Sassani, there is the Yahyel, the Hybrid Children and a few other yet to be named races that stem from the Grey/Hybrid program. A family. I know, if you haven’t heard this before, it sounds like a great SiFi movie plot! But from my perspective, this is a reality. Our world is inherently far more fantastical than we have been led to believe, and this is just the tip of the ice berg! What is so great about the Sassani and the rest of the Hybrid races is their emphasis on there not needing to be a belief that what they say about themselves is true, for the information to be useful and relevant. For instance, in the story of the Greys, we are able to see allegory and metaphor that is applicable to our current timeline. A morality tale of sorts. We can all see the tides turning in our world. We do need to and are questioning and changing our relationships to technology, the planet, each other, and our selves. Each Hybrid race takes on different archetypes that help tell this greater story. If nothing else, it is a wonderful epic saga. Rich with characters and concepts told in the format of a story. For that is really how humans learn and retain what is best needed for each individual, through stories.
The foundation of Bashar’s teaching and the rest of the First Contact Guild, is to follow your excitement in each and every moment, to the best of your ability, with out insistence or expectation on the outcome. We have heard this for many years on our planet. But the First Contact Specialists say it is the tool kit, the car manual. The hack “out” of or further “into” the Matrix. This is how reality functions. I will go into sharing my perspectives of this more in the time to come. For now I am sharing it as an “expository” piece of the story, but for those who are interested and feel excited to do so, more information about this can be found on the Bashar Communications website. There are also many great interviews with Darryl Anka on Youtube sharing his perspective and experiences in applying this “technique”.
The idea of the importance of story and imagination combined with the “tool kit” had no flaws to me. Sure, the source may be very different, but there was no arguing the message for me. So, I “said yes”. And I continued to follow my excitement.
On April 22 2010, eight years ago today, Earth Day. Jen and I went to have a private session with Darryl and Bashar. If some one can be a “famous” vocal channel, Darryl Anka would be one. In certain circles he is very well known and respected. Jen and I were exited and a little nervously “star struck”. But he was so friendly and seemed so genuinely happy to meet us. “My dad’s name is Daryle! Same pronunciation, different spelling. And he is usually in a Hawai’ian shirt when he is not working.” I said to Darryl. For years now Darryl is usually wearing a Hawaiian shirt when he is channeling Bashar, when he is “working”. “Oh neat”, he said. “And my sister’s name is Jen” Darryl has told the story many times of how he discovered he was a channel. He had two broad day light sightings of a craft within a week of each other. This event propelled him down the path he needed to be on to eventually remember he had made an agreement to be a channel. During both sightings, Darryl was in a car with his sister Jen. Darryl had a moment where it seemed like he knew me. I was in the bathroom and heard him ask Jen, “Is she an actress?” Having worked in the film industry as his “day job” for years, it seem as though he was maybe trying to pin point where he knew me from. “She is, theater mainly and not well known or anything” Jen said, “And I am pretty sure this is her first time in LA.” “hmm….” from Darryl.
Darryl went into the altered channeling state to bring in Bashar and I feet like I joined him halfway there. I do not remember much from that session except that it very much felt like Bashar knew me. He did not tell me how. It was to be my job, my joy, to figure it out. “You are an explorer” I do remember that. And, “You, Specifically, need to understand, that you cannot Make anyone Believe Anything” Jen asked him most of the questions that day. Darryl walked us to the door and gave us hugs good bye. He looked at me, in me, “It’s nice to see you”, He said. And then I heard in my mind, in my heart, “in this time, in this way.” I thought I was “imagining” it, un til he said. “If you ever need anything, you can call me.” I still think I may imagined it from time to time. But, I did call him, many times through out the years when I needed help grounding. He always gave me time and presence. I also wrote him many wild verbose emails as I went through my own process with the energies. He always took time to read them and write me back. So, I think he would have told me years ago to please leave him alone if my contact wasn’t in alignment with his desires. I am very thankful for his friendship and reflections. And like with the all the First Contact Specialists, I choose to trust that the feeling is mutual.

I began to practice vocal channeling, anther topic I will go into in detail in the time to come. But, in general, the connection with the First Contact Specialist was established. I could feel members (and still do) around me as guides. Ultimately, helping me connect me to more of my higher self. I was taken through different meditations to explore emotional frequencies, moving through different vibrations learning how to tune myself to their orchestra. I let myself be as silly as I needed to, not worrying about what came out. Allowing myself to “mimic” Darryl Anka’s process in some ways. With my training as an actor, this was very natural for me and fun. I could feel the “characters” and was used to being taught how to find my neutrality point. From there we are able to respond in the moment as a “character” but also as naturally as possible. After a few months words came out and I was then exited to channel for my friends. Knowing having someone ask questions would help get me “out of the way”. Every play needs an audience. I didn’t know exactly who the “entity” was, but I was also very aware that I was still in the beginning process of tuning in and the being had not actually presented his or herself yet. It is common for most vocal channels in the beginning states to bring in different beings as they adjust to the specific frequency that they have made the agreement with. As the channel moves through different sub conscious emotional layers and barriers they are matches for different aspects of the frequency. Often this represents itself as different beings.
During this time I also began to experience many synchronicities. In all aspects of my life, but also specifically with the energy of the First Contact Specialists. Bashar has used a triangle as a marker for his “calling card”. The First Contact “guild” sigil, or the family crest. One day in late 2010 I was drawing and a triangle with a spiral in the middle came to me. This is the “next wave” of the energy I felt. This is Your combined energy with us now. I felt not just “me” in the “your” but a soul group. Yet, I was excited! This felt like “mine” my symbol that I could use if I wanted to go public with this. A few weeks later, Bashar Communications redid their website. Along with the revamped sight, we were now given a new logo, or a new sigil. Yup, a triangle shape with a spiral in the middle. The new Bashar image was not exactly the same as what I had drawn, but there was never a spiral in the triangle before, at least not in the reality that I was coming from. I was shocked. Excited and honestly, kind of bummed. I thought that was “mine”, for me, and here it is copy written now on the website. But more so, it was validation. As a symbol of commitment to myself and this experience. I had a version of the sigil tattooed on the back of my neck, the channeling chakra a few months later. A sign of commitment to myself and this exploration. I had many experiences during this time that I can not “prove”. Dreams and sittings. Again, something I may go into more in the time to come.

In 2012 I got the calling to go to Hawai”i I knew this was for further “training” with the ETs and Ancestors. To learn from and connect to the mother planet, and to meet the dolphins. April, who runs the business of Bashar Communications was very helpful in me centering in on exactly where to go, helping me validate what I already knew. Big Island. She helped remind me that I was having a “Calling”. And if I went, I would be supported, even if I didn’t know how now. A few weeks later, I had a dream where I was swimming with dolphins. I heard a thundering “Ke-ala-ke-akua!” I looked it up, sure enough it is a real place, Kealakeakua on the Big Island. Gate way of the Gods. Okay, I’ll go. Message received. It was a calling indeed and I was fully supported. The first time I met the dolphins I was on a boat with April. It felt so right, like family. I then developed my own relationship with a local pod of wild spinner dolphins in Kealakekua. I spent hundreds of hours playing and learning. It is my perspective that cetaceans are aliens. In spirit, soul, mind, and body. They have much to teach humanity. Having contact with the Cetacean Nation prepares us for having contact with our star family. I will share my dolphin and whale experiences in the future as well. I also met new friends in South Kona who also knew of Bashar. I was excited to channel for them. During these sessions the being I am channeling now first presented her self. I felt the energy and personality so clearly. A child. From the group we call the “Hybrid Children” Most of the beings from the Sassani and the Yayhel that people are in communication with are from a future time line hundreds of years in the future with evolved civilizations by their time. The hybrid children are more so coming from our timeline, more directly “our children” in a sense. Again, always working with the symbolism and the story. The Sassani to me feel like the aunties and uncles. The Yahyel like the brothers and sisters, the hybrid children, the children. These are archetypes in life. Each with their own specific brand of wisdom. There is also a frequency link to Hawai’i that the Sassani have used for years to help us harmonize. I am not the only one from this community who has been and who will be called to Hawai’i. Also, more stories about Hawai’i to come!

Dreams began to intensify for me during this time. In one dream or experience, I found myself in some sort of warehouse. It was covered with old vintage clothes and costumes. I was sitting in a vintage style beauty chair. I understood that everything I was seeing was a creation of my mind, trying to classify what I was experiencing, it was not really the environment, per say. A woman sat next to me. She had an oversize head, huge blue eyes, white blonde patchy hair, and she was very thin. I understood her to be some type of hybrid. I knew that I had been here “before”.
I could see fear and sadness in her eyes. Next thing I knew she took an implant out of my neck. Like a very thin needle, still in it’s protective case. I was surprised. “What? Who put that there? The Greys?”
“No, we did.” she relayed through thought. “Now, it’s time to go to another room” We left the retro girly area, sparkly fabrics flowed as we walked. On our way to the “other room” the glitter faded. I saw many people, men and women, most of them overweight on hospital like tables. Thin. Steel. They had tubes coming out of their necks and arms connecting them to machines. These people seemed in a state of trance or hypnosis. Their fat hanging over the side of the table. We passed a little room with a few mechanical or monitoring devices, a table in the center. A big figure lay on the table with blankets and scarves covering their entire body.
“This person didn’t want to see where they are. They wanted to stay asleep. The rest may have foggy memories in the morning. This person will have no recollection. You are seeing blankets and scarves, but that is a metaphor. What we have actually done is mental and energetic.” The Hybrid relayed to me.
She lead me to a room that felt like it was part of “their domain” their monitoring place. “We can work from here” she sent “You really are more like one of us than one of them” She poured some sort of solution on a cotton ball and asked me to clean the exit point of the implant. “You need to learn how to do this yourself”
I took the cotton ball and slowly brought it up to my neck, not knowing where the exact spot was, I took the ball from under my ear down to my collar bone. About half way I felt a little sting. As I cleaned my neck, she set up the machine and little tubes. I knew, I understood, she was going to be “feeding” off me. And I was okay with it. More than anything I wanted to know who she was. She started to send me her answer.
“We are the on what you would understand as the beginning compartments on the train towards trans humanism. We are the befores on the way to, and also the afters. We do not feel as you can feel”
“But you Can feel!” I yelled at her, with my physical voice. “I can see it!”
“Yes, I know” she meekly sent via heart connection verses the telepathic mind. Tears started to well up in her eyes. She left the room. I was alone.
I had the sudden urge to flee. The implant was taken out, they couldn’t track me and this was just how the story goes. I was supposed to run for it. I was running out the door and down the hallway. It was then I realized that the implant was one of many, they could still easily track me. And anyways they wouldn’t need any devices to do it, they could do it easily energetically. I ran out the hall and through a door at the end of the hallway and found myself on a terrace in the middle of a party. All the “women” were entertaining “human” men. The men ranged in size and ethnicity, but they all seemed, in one way or another, slimy. Everyone stopped to stare at me. I noticed a giant marble pineapple behind the faces on the balcony. I thought to my self, this is the “Elite”. And they want to eat me. I turned to take off down the staircase, the women on the terrace sent me “Go ahead, try, try to run” I ran down the staircase past stunning statues and beautifully potted plants. Then I ran straight into two “women” One with long blonde hair, the other with long black. Both tan and tall and beautiful in miniskirt dresses. At this point I noticed I was wearing camo pants, a black tank top, and combat boots, I laughed. It’s not that far off from how I walk around in waking life. Each of the “women” grabbed me by my elbows and led me up the stairs. They didn’t seem angry or surprised, It was like I did this every time. Like I was seven and I stole the cookies from the cookie jar…..Again. They lead me up the stairs, back through the door and into the dark hallway. Then I woke up with a jolt, like I had been thrown down on my bed. I checked my neck in the mirror. There was a little red mark on the right side. I went back to sleep, surprisingly easily. When I woke a few hours later, after no memory of any more dreams, the mark was gone.
Shortly after, I had another dream that I was being invited to the next Bashar event in LA. The next morning, I woke up to find the email from Bashar Communications announcing the season’s sessions. I went to LA. I was called to speak. At the mic a spontaneous language came out of me. A light language of sorts that I learned with the dolphins. Bashar confirmed it was an ancient language from Sirius. I was very playful and cryptic in a sense, alluding to the idea that I myself was a Hybrid Child that had “just landed”. I asked about the idea of physical and energetic implants form the Greys or other military programs. I learned that day that I share aspects of the same over soul with a being in their civilization known as Cybo. A trickster archetype, the word in their language for 13, and ultimate transformation.

In 2013 I was spending the summer in LA. I was channeling for a friend of mine, Steve, who now works for Basahar Communications. The Hybrid Child’s frequency was becoming more and more clear. Easier and easier for me to “play”. I was living in a house with two avid yoga and meditation practitioners. Steve and I were in my room. No one was in the house besides the two of us. In the room next to me, my house mate had a few Tibetan bells. In the altered state I was aware that my voice moved to a part of my register that I had never felt before. Pin pointed in the mask of my face. I have been trained as a vocalist since 8 years old. I had Never felt this sensation before. I felt the sound come out of me, I was stunned. Time slowed down. ” Listen” I heard in my heart mind. And then, in the room next door, a bell went off from behind my back. “Did you catch that?” The hybrid child said through me. “Did you hear it?” “I did.” Said Steve, “Gita made a really interesting noise, kind of like singing and then a bell in the next room went off” “Yes!!” She said. “This is a way I play! I like to make bells go off just with my frequency!” A few months later I was back in Hawaii with a friend of mine, Kyle who I met at a Bashar event. During a channeling session he asked the Hybrid Child if she had a name. “Not in the way you do, but I do have a frequency. You can pick up on it. We think it is fun for you to name us!” She replied.
“Isabell. I just heard Is.a.bell” Kyle said. I had not told Kyle about the bell story. She laughed and laughed. “Yes! That is perfect!! That is a game I like to play! To make bells go off just with my frequency! And, we are all bells! We are all instruments! Is. a. Bell. Isabell!”

I had more and more synchronicities with the energies and information I was learning on Hawai’i. Communication continued sporadically with Darryl when I had questions or things to share. I began to notice that the topics of the sessions were mirroring questions or experiences I was having, but about things that I had Not shared with Darryl. More people started sharing their experiences. Bridget Neilson and Sharon McCormick started the Hybrid Children Community.
The way Bridget and Sharon depicted the Hybrid Children looked Just like what I had seen in my head. The colors, the shapes of the faces, the eyes. Even such specifics as clothing! I often saw the Hybrid Children in a cross between pajamas and a martial arts uniform. But colorful and light, almost flowy fabrics. In a few of her channelings/ illustrations, Bridget depicted almost the exact same “costumes”. Bridget and Sharon may know roughly of me, but we have never met in person in this reality, and have only had sparse and short communication online and in emails. In a session one day, Isabell said she was on a ship over Maui in a slightly alternate density. I remember having such resistance about saying that piece of information. It felt so specific. I did not want to be “wrong”. But it was said, and a few days later, it was interesting to see via social media that Bridget had been called to visit Maui. More and more experiences were happening to help confirm and reconfirm that there really was “something going on”. Isabell maintains that for the most part, the Yahyel ship that she is on, is above Maui. They travel and take “field trips”, but reside primarily over Maui. Recently, Bridget moved to live part time on Maui. I am so thankful for Bridget and what she has contributed to this community! https://www.bridgetnielsen.com/

I returned to the Bay Area in 2014. Even after all my experiences, doubt and discernment crept up in me. A process I understand now that I needed to go through. During this time, I truly learned for myself the importance of the use of story. How to not get caught in the details and to feel the energy and utilize the message. Around this time I also opened myself up to the elemental spirits. Aspects of what we can all the Fae. My life shifted courses a bit. I became focused in grounding. I started a regular yoga practice. I went through experiences and processing with my family here. The First Contact Specialist energy took a bit of a back seat, although I knew the connection was always there and what I was doing was still part of my process in connecting with them. Deeper connection ultimately with myself.
A clip from the LA session from a few years prior, made its way on to Youtube. It got almost 30,000 views. I had people commenting and contacting me, thinking I was actually a Hybrid Child that had just landed. I did not want to mislead any one. And I also wanted to tell my version of my perspective of these energies. At the time, as I said, I was very much questioning their intentions. But still able to take it back to the essence of the message and the story, even though the “mythology” was evolving, adding new characters and getting a little “complicated” for me. They introduced a new character Willa.. A female hybrid from a future time line of Earth. Her energy seemed Cryptic. It made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t understand, why bring in another character now? Why add more? But Willa’s energy helped clue me into the lesson. The best teachers inspire us to ask more questions so we may then find our own answers. I had inspiration to write a blog, even though I knew I was running some “fear” and “doubt” I wanted to share. I was a bit “disillusioned” with the galactic energies at this time, grounding had become my main focus, I did not want to “out” myself. But people were getting the wrong idea about who and what I was, and I did not want any one to feel lied to, I hemmed and hawed for a few weeks, and then I saw my first craft. I was getting home after practicing music with a friend of mine. I was sober. I was living in a very sweet residential area of San Rafael. I was getting out of the car after a long day. Work, yoga classes, rehearsal. I was tired. I was gathering my things from the front seat, about to walk to the trunk, when something from the far corner of my eye pulled my gaze to the left. A triangle craft. Black equilateral. Solid gold, slightly red hued lights underneath. It was a bout the size of a 50 cent piece as it glided silently over the houses. I could see the details in the lights. The hexagon etchings of the glass like material of the lights. I remember thinking it looked just how I would imagine it to look. Like watching a movie. I knew it was the Galactic Federation. What I would call now, the Alliance. But then, I was indifferent. In a way unimpressed by what I recognized as a “vintage” craft, even though I had no memory of ever seeing a craft before. I was down right blasé. I watched the craft slide over the houses and behind some trees. I knew I could run after it, see if I could see it again, just to be sure. But I knew what I saw, and frankly, I didn’t give a damn. I was tired and just wanted to get in side and go to bed. I gathered my things from the car and went inside. As I was brushing my teeth, I caught my gaze in the mirror. Hey! You just saw that. That actually happened! Your blasé reaction was perfect and in some ways impressive, but do not forget what you just saw! I was alone with this happened. I had no one to be able to back it up for me. I can not make anyone believe anything. I did share my siting with Jen. At times, I think she has believed me that this happened more than I believe myself. Often saying to me, “hey remember that time you saw a space ship?”
This experience however, did inspire me to tell my story up to that point by adding to this blog again.
That story starts on “I Come in Piece – Part One”

I did channel a few times for friends through out these past years, to “test” the connection in a sense. Could I even still do it? Yes. It was easy. Felt like another skill I had learned in my bag of tricks. I can sing, dance, act, write songs, paint, and serve as a biological telephone for ETs. No big deal. I was fun for me to look at it this way. I did go to see a few Bashar sessions in Oakland. I met wonderful people but also began to notice that not every one had the same type of connection with the First Contact Specialists as I did. Or, well, and, they DID, but they were not conscious of it. I began to play with the idea of stepping out and sharing. I was in fear and also I was not “ready” I was still on my journey. In the fall of 2017 Darryl Anka released his first novel. “Shards of a Shattered Mirror” A SiFi novel loosely based on the character from the Hybrid lineage, Willa. https://darrylanka.com/
It was so wonderful for me to see this being released as a novel. A story. Presenting the ideas. Allowing the reader to fall into the symbolism and take what they need from the story. There were many parts of this book that activated me and helped me ground. Willa has a special relationship with the Elementals or (the Fae) in the book that mirrored in ways my new connections to these beings. Again, this was information that I did not directly share with Darryl.

In November of 2017 I went to the Bashar even in Oakland. I met many new friends that day, knowing we knew each other, and one in particular, Connor, who I felt excited to have meet Isabell. Darryl usually only does the channelings in person. But the Guild told me that we were able to do the channeling over video. It isn’t the absolute preferred way, but that it should not stop the excitement and the learning. I was nervous and excited to channel again. The connection was right there and felt easy to slide into. Though it is intense adjusting to the incoming energy, there is resistance that gets moved through the body, all in all, it is really fun and energizing. The connection with Isabell is getting clearer and clearer and I am learning how to relax more and more and step right under the stream an out of the way as much as possible.

Early March of 2018, I saw on the Bashar Facebook Group that a Sadie Strunk was going to be interviewing Darryl Anka. I loved her energy. Again, that feeling of knowing I knew her. She was interviewing Darryl for her Youtube channel that is just taking form. She has a minimal following. But that’s what attracted me to her. I knew that she had just followed her excitement to contact Darryl and he had agreed. I was proud of her, for stepping out, being bold, being brave. I could feel the Hybrid family proud of her too. I could feel myself in the wings with them, in the shadows. Watching. I was so excited for her. “You go girl! Get it! I’m just going to hang out here in the shadows” A few hours later, Bashar Communications sent the email announcing the tittle of the session in Oakland.
“Stepping from the Shadows”

There has been this resistance energy that comes up in me that represents itself as “angry” at synchronicity. But in a way where I can feel the comedy. I think we all understand the resistance and shock that appears when magic happens and we can see things “going our way” more and more this response of mine just makes me laugh and I can feel the fuel that I can use to help me make the steps.
I contacted Sadie. We hit it off instantly. She is going through a very interesting time in her private life an I knew meeting Isabell would help her and everyone involved. I started channeling for her. We said how fun it would be to do a session in person, to have her interview me and channel Isabell. Maybe we could schedule it around the Oakland event too. I told her about my experience with the tittle of the session and we both agreed that maybe we were “supposed to be there”. I could feel it was time for me to start to take the plunge. It was my excitement to sponsor Sadie’s trip to from Colorado to California. My way of committing to myself and to these energies. I am ready to play! lets do this! I flew Sadie out and we had a great time!

She made a video about her California trip that is on her YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGDNWBFjy8RwE5KsxdjE5bA
And we did the interview and channeling video too!!! Stepping from the Shadows in way more fun with friends. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u_eUdzdq1j8&t=38s
My name was pulled to speak to Bashar. I never prepare questions for him. I can talk to “him” or “them” or my higher self to get my answers. He did validate for me, with out saying it, just the feelings, that he knows where I am at in my process. That he is aware of Isabell herself and that ultimately, that is not the point. Its a symbol, a “permission slip” as he would say, to ultimately access more of ourselves. Are you having fun? Is it positive? Are you learning? Do you feel you are helping others? Yes, yes, yes, and yes. That’s the whole point. Got it. And yes, you are doing fine he tells me. Yes, there is resistance as I get used to these new energies and that is all part of the process. I then brought awareness to this feeling of “responsibility” that I have, it can feel heaviness to it. He reminded me that “responsibility” is actually just our ability to respond.
Years ago after a Bashar event in Oakland, I was visibly emotional. I was in such awe, love, but also overwhelm. Darryl saw me as I stood weeping, “are you okay?” he asked me. He looked concerned. “Yah, thank you. I am fine, just a lot of energy” He smiled and chuckled slightly, the next thing I knew he grabbed my by the shoulders and started playfully shaking me around. The energy instantly swirled through me finding its flow. I just laughed and laughed and laughed. But it helped so much the friendship, the play, and the movement, I never forgot it. Through the years I used the technique. When I was feeling super activated by these energies I would remember to shake. I would be back in that moment with Darryl. The energies could move and I could find the vibration of excitement again rather than anxiety or overwhelm.
At the “Stepping form the Shadows” session I then had the inspiration to do the Hokey Pokey. It came out of my mouth before I even knew what I was doing. In the moment, I almost didn’t even know the words. I knew that my body needed to move. I felt silly and ridiculous. But that was perfect and “the point” Then, I realize the words that were coming out of my mouth.
“You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out, you put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around. And that’s what its all about”
We are constantly shaking and changing and moving. Turning ourselves around inside and out and around again. And that, really is what it’s all about”

I then rambled out a statement question about MI LAB experiences. This is kind of a “hot topic” and one that I have had a lot of fear around talking publicly about, but it feels time to go into my version of the story, once again something I will share in more detail in the time to come. I believe that many of us that have been involved in the hybrid program have also been involved in certain levels of MI LAB. These are also agreements and we volunteer for this program too. However, they can be dark. And also, we have the ability to remember them in this now. To create them in this now, creating an actual different past. I am choosing to explore these themes. This is the fringe of the fringe but I do think it has a certain level of relevance. I am still cracking the egg on this one, and so, I wasn’t able to get much information from Bashar, because I am not fully ready to give it to my self. I have experienced enough with the First Contact Specialists to know that this process in completely a co-creation. We are all helping each other. Bashar did say that some of the information pertaining to MI-LAB and potential Hybrid connections can be gone into in the upcoming session “The 5 Hybrid Races” “Oh a commercial!” I joked. Bashar told a lovely story during the closing meditation. This is absolutely paraphrasing and what I took from the symbolism. A young girl meets a monster that has been a character in her village’s legends for generations. At first she is so scared, but then she sees all this light coming form the monster. She can see that it is a costume, underneath it all, it is light. She realizes she must go tell her village what she has discovered. This story hit home. I remembered the dragon I met that night the channeling first happened. Once I was able to truly feel my fear, my power, my light, I could see the dragon, the monster for what he was. Fractals, mirrors, light. It is my job, my joy, to share my story.

The next night I was on my little patio watching the stars. I was looking at a specific little cluster. Is that the Pleiades? I thought to myself. I wasn’t sure. I doubted myself. Oh! There are such things as star map apps! Why don’t I have one of those? I could get one of those instantly! That is amazing to have that type of information! Just like that! In my hand! Oh, this is an inspiration! This is an idea of excitement. I can follow that. I got the star map app and really felt the awareness of the appreciation that I was in the act of following excitement with out expectation or insistence. I was just so appreciative to be able to follow the idea. I opened the app and sure enough, I was right, the cluster was the Pleiades. I was facing North, and then suddenly a force turned me around, I completely bout faced to the south to see two lights coming directly towards me. The way the lights were positioned confused my brain. They seemed too far apart to be part of the same plane and two close together to be two separate planes. But I didn’t want them to be a plane did I? Nope, i want this to be something, else. Lets do this. Its a co-creation. I stood my ground, calmed by body and my breath. The lights continued to come directly towards me. The world around me seemed to fuzz out. A type of silence surrounded everything. Just a soft, low, humming. The lights came closer still. My brain tried to figure it out. Is this a low flying plane about to pass right over my head? That idea almost scared me more. And then, the light on the right shot straight up a bit so that the lights were now diagonal to each other. Not a plane. Not two planes. Come on, give me a third light. I was envisioning one to appear at the base on the right side, making a triangle, but one appeared at the bottom of the light on the left, making a diagonal line of three lights. Good enough I laughed. Then they started to dance around and in and out of each other in a way that planes just don’t. They formed a triangle for a moment and then danced around each other briefly before “turning off” and disappearing. I stood my ground. If I felt any shock it was more so shock that I wasn’t really that shocked. This has become my life. This has all actually become very normal to me. Then I felt to look at the star map. Where these lights appeared were strategic. I checked. Right in alignment with Hydra, Crater, and Corvus. The snake, the cup and the raven. The snake, the 9 headed undefeatable monster reminded me of the monster in my vision and in Bashar’s story the day before. The cup and the raven also have their own deep level of symbolism for me and the collective. The three together are part of Apollo’s story. He is the god of healing, music, and light. That was enough for me. And once again, no one was there to whiteness it with me. It is only my experience created through my perspectives and I can never make any one believe me.
So, I am stepping from the shadows. This is my story in pieces up till now. I know this has been long, but I wanted to “catch up”. To introduce myself. So, if you have read this all, thank you. I am wanting to reach people who know of Bashar and also those who maybe used to know the old me and are curious about something different. I have come to the place, with in me, that Bashar and the First Contact Specialists are very real. They may send in a scout to start, be we never go alone. I feel by sharing the expository information, my experience thus far, I am able to step into the next phase, whatever that may be. I know its allegory in the story. And so, follow your excitement in each and every moment, to the best of your ability, with out any insistence, or expectation of the outcome. Do the hokey poky and turn yourself around! Because, That’s what It is ALL About.