You are your Home
You are your spiritual guide 


And always, also, it can be helpful to have a reflection, an ally in remembrance 

That is what ascension, enlightenment is; we are relaxing into our true nature. And yet, because our true natures are such masters of paradox, we have created infinite challenging ways to have obstacles in accomplishing this restoration.

I have lived a mystical life since childhood that has allowed for my translations of this innate oneness and wholeness. More and more of us are experiencing our own form of these awakenings and initiations. And there is and endless array of spiritual service practitioners for us to choose from to continue to better best help ourselves.

It’s loud out there isn’t it? Yes it is.

This life is most certainly a challenging experience.

And always, an also;

It is the echo of the volume of the All that is in you.

You Belong. You are capable and worthy of being All that you are.

You are your home

You are your spiritual guide

Restore, Relax, Remember  

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