The Next Phase


The last few months have been truly wonderful! Since beginning to share my channeling work and my story publicly, I have met so many new friends and had so many accelerating experiences. Thank you to every one who has supported and encouraged me thus far. Sincerely.

Vocal channeling agreements are very expansive and integrative for the channel. I am still in the process of stretching to allow more and more of the energy through. More and more of Me through. The energy that comes through in the channeling is a third energy, the combination of the channel and the entity. I can feel myself rapidly transforming, a new and a new and a new version of me as a result as being in the altered state as honestly and authentically as I can. These openings have been full of love, wonder, joy and anxiety. I am still experiencing my excitement being filtered through my perspectives as anxiety, from time to time. In the sessions that Bella and I have done recently, many people are experiencing anxiety in the emotional body. Anxiety and Excitement are one and the same energy, but opposite sides of the coin. It is our belief systems that cause us to interpret the energy of excitement as anxiety. By sifting through and identifying our “negative” beliefs we can move through our “negative” anxiety. But also, from my perspective and from what I have been shown in the altered state, there is at this time a certain level of positive anxiety that many people are feeling as we all stretch and open up to being able to hold so much love. Our world has known far more Fear, and as we open to far more Love and our true selves there is a certain level of feeling this positive anxiety that is part of the process. We are all learning to stretch to hold more more love and our ultimate vibrations. I still very much have my process and challenges and will do my best to be honest and relatable to people as I continue to share publicly. I am able to move through these bouts of anxiety by feeling the feeling of it. It is powerful, it is integrative, and I know it is part of the process for me and for many of us right now.



I have also connected with many new friends that have helped me to feel that much more supported in my excitements and that much more sure that I am on my right path. These have been new friends that I have been drawn to receive sessions from me and Bella as well as contemporaries in the “field”. People that I have watched their work and respected for some years, I am now in contact and communication with and feel as though I can call them friends. I am unsure in this moment if is appropriate to name names or not. I do not know what it actually more inclusive, what is more integrative. I have had the experience of being slightly “star struck” by these new found connections. Most people wouldn’t necessarily know who these individuals are in the “main stream” but in our fringe community they are “names”. I am beginning to connect with people who have been way showers, guides, and inspirations for me. But in this moment, I am unsure if naming names is actually relevant. I don’t want to people to read this and go in to a state of comparison or anything of the sort because maybe they are not friends or connected with the “cool” crowd. That is what if feels like to me, honestly, that maybe I am the freshman on campus, a little slightly gothic, slightly punk rock chick who has made friends with the nice Junior and Senior cheerleaders and football players, well maybe not even that level of “mainstream”. Maybe like the upperclassmen in the drama department that can be friends with everyone, you know what I mean.  I feel I am being “let in”. But I know, that is only because I have let myself in to more of me. And so, to people reading this, at any level of “popularity” know that we are all “influencers”. We influence ourselves internally first and fore most and that ripples out at aligns us with external realities. And I promise you, when we act from our joy, from our integrity, we will align with the exact right people for any given phase of our life. This has been my direct experience. From my perspective I can promise you, when we are in our alignment, this is how it works.



Some of the information that Bella has been bringing through about herself has also shifted. The “name” that was first given was “Isabell”. I have now been shown, that was an early translation of her energy and a larger concept. Is.a.Bell. We are all is a bells. We are all our own unique instruments in the greater orchestra. But, Bella, is her “name”. When the channeling first began with her, she came through with what felt like a child energy. It was an easy energy for me to “play” to sink into, to channel. I thought she was from the hybrid race of the Shalanaya or the “hybrid children”. Then a few months ago, the energy shifted, she came through further up her timeline, further in her future, as an adult. In this shift, she made it aware to me that she is actually from the Yahyel race. I was confused and honestly I felt like a fraud. I didn’t even know her name or what race she is from!! But she explained to me, that this was done very strategically, for the exact who’s,what’s,when’s, where’s, why’s and how’s are not relevant at this time. It is the message. She also shared with me that she is part of the next wave, a representative of the next phase of contact with our civilization. It is her job and her joy to focus on a more “feminine” perspective. Helping people to work with integrating the emotional body and the senses. Holding up mirrors for people to dive fully into contact with themselves, which creates the ultimate transformation and leads to the manifestation of external contact. I was gifted some information from a well respected and well established channel that comes from the same lineage that very much validated for me, that the Contact Specialists have moved to Second Phase, focusing more so now on the feminine polarity and internal integration. More and more I was given synchronicities to help me further relax into and know my connection with Bella.

I am still calling the “company” Is.a.Bell Productions. It has a ring to it. And to me, it includes All of us, Bella her self and All of us that chose to have contact with Bella. That choose further contact with ourselves. All our unique instruments together, all our co-creations makes Is.a.Bell Productions.

I still work a very “normal” job as a server in a restaurant to be able to support my self. It is fine, it is a lovely little independently owned restaurant. I love the owners and my co-workers. We are an odd little family. But is it my ultimate? Is this truly how I wish to be of service? No. I would love to be able to support myself with channeling and spiritual “work”. I would love for my joy to be my job. With out insistence, I am following my intuition in each and every moment. Being in my current, in my flow, and knowing it will take me where I need to go. And honestly, I don’t know what or where that is. The experiences that I have the last few months so prove to me that there is something so much grander at work here. I am part of a much greater story. And I know what ever I align with is perfect. But in the meantime, we must do, we must be, we must take action. So, I made this website and business cards. I will continue with the blog and honestly, push myself a bit to be more active sharing on social media outlets to build connections. I will do the next idea, thought, inspiration that comes in to my mind and I choose to know it will lead me exactly where I need to go.


So, once again, sincerely thank you. Thank you to each and every unique individual who has contacted me, supported and encouraged me these past few months. This is the beginning of the next phase, for me and for all of us. All together we will step into more love, more connections, and can truly make all of our jobs our joy.