Who is Bella?

And other frequently asked questions

The main messages that Bella present to us first and foremost, is that she is a “permission slip” a mirror, a symbol to offer us access into more of ourselves, and exploration of our own consciousness. If we can appreciate and recognize something in someone or something else, it is because we must have it within ourselves, first. She stresses that “first contact is contact with self, first” There are then a series of principles she is passionate to convey to us, ways we can individually understand the mechanics of creation. To remember and integrate our own ability to perceive creation from “outside” of the illusion, to be in an observational state of the true physics of What Is. To remember our nature and to affirm, there truly is so much more to life and our consciousness

The narrative that Bella presents to us is usable, rich in allegory regardless if it is “true” or not. Bella is a representative of the YahYel civilization’s branch of Contact Specialists. Her civilization and those like hers are extra-dimensional Hybrids that share aspects of our DNA, a form of our descendants. Bella and her civilization exist in a parallel timeline and overlaying density, a “dream” bridge of planet Earth. From their perspective, what we call “vocal channeling” is the way modern First Contact is being made with planet Earth. The heart and personality, the nuance and specificity of “extra-terrestrial” races can best be conveyed through a human connection. Her lineage is specifically focused on the importance of the connection with Mother Earth, Gaia. Bella shares extremely ancient stories of organic forms of Earth Human evolution through and from the womb of the imagination of Mother Earth herself. Innate and essential ways of remembering Humanity’s true nature.

Bella utilizes a lot of symbolism and story in how she presents herself to us. She usually presents herself to us in an unexpected silhouette of the Victorian Era. This is because of many layers of theme that are important to me and Bella and are potentially relevant for us as a collective, at this time of Earth’s transformation. Themes that are always up to the individual to receive and interpret the way that feels the best and most useful for them. So, that is a part of my process of connecting with Bella, I wear  a type of “costume” that evokes layers of how Bella wishes to present to us. 

Bella also presents to us what she refers to as, The Intrinsic a step by step, action orientated way to remember our innate alignment and to refine our ability to perceive the realities we prefer. Bella also offers specific ways to better utilize and inner stand our emotions, energy in motion, as the keys that unlock the doors to our limiting belief systems and outdated stories. To enter into loving communication with the denser aspects of self, to retrieve and alchemize the challenge, the experience of limitation into gold. So that we may more deeply reclaim our Intrinsic Power, accessing all that is our natural selves. Bella also deeply encourages a conscious (re) connection with nature, with Mother Earth, Gaia, Kī, we are Nature and Nature is us. 

A New Return – A message from Bella

What is Vocal Channeling?

Any time we do anything we love to do, connecting more deeply to our true nature and being in the ability to respond to our inspirations, we are channeling. “Vocal Channeling” is just one form of “channeling”. The human imagination and aspects of the human mind are always involed in the connection. It is a co-creation. Always. It is like two tuning forks coming together, and resonating. Adjusting our radio frequencies to a specific station. Any “outside” being we connect to that is of love and integration, is always going to lead us further in, to continue to best channel ourselves.

What is a session like?

Sessions are usually an hour long – sometimes a little over –

All sessions are currently held over zoom

I love saying hello to people, connecting as myself for a bit before connecting with Bella. I ask that clients do not give me any specific information besides the name they prefer as that current version of themselves and where they are physically located on planet earth. I always share, that this is a collaborative experience. Me, my higher self, Bella, her higher self, the client, their higher self, their guides, we are all together creating a third pocket reality. We are entering consciously into the constantly collaborative ceremony that is Existence!! 

I then enter into the channeling state by attuning my frequency to hers, using breath and the ability to adjust my “radio stations”. This was a learning process of many years, using the emotional awareness techniques Bella shares, I raise my vibration to a frequency as she slightly lowers hers and we meet, like two tuning forks. Once the connection is made, there is a song, a signature toning of Bella that comes through, and then she says Hello and we are off and rolling! 

The length of the answers depend on the style of the question. Usually, Bella’s responses can be very detailed, as she likes to show us, first, the reasons behind why we have created the beliefs to ask certain questions in the first place. Bella does her absolute BEST to encourage us to be our own fishermen, not just receive fish, that’s not her job, her passion, that is not what is Intrinsic, what is intrinsic is for her to aid us in full remembrance of ourselves. Her answers often lead in spiral patterns to aid in building new, remembering the true, patterns of our neurological net. The tones and cadences of the answers or messages is a big part of the transmission, the words or “answers” is only one part of the contact. 

People can ask as many questions that fit into the allotted time. Or, as they feel are still relevant. Often times, as people really take in the information presented, they begin to understand that they can answer their own questions, or even let go of the need to ask those types of questions in the first place. As they integrate their ability to see the observational mechanics of reality and to remember their facet of the Intrinsic principles. 

I do “come back” after the session. I love being able to offer a thank you to the individual I have met or reconnecting with, as well as to ask if (they are new) to be added to my email list. I also love to anchor in a reminder and the next offering of action steps. That after the session a portal to a new self, the new now, is wide open. It is often palpable. Any realization or shift, is a Complete and Total shift, a completely new version is now extending the invitation for actualization. I love offering reminders to ground into, appreciate ones self and to flow into the next frame of reality as the new self, with the ability to respond to authentic inspirations 

When I am channeling I feel and see from Bella’s perspective. I feel the heart, the authenticity, the truth of her and her civilization’s perspective. From their vantage point, there is clear objective observation of the mechanics of creation that gives a complete frequency of safety, security, and support. I also feel an unabashed passion for the encouragement of the individual. The complete self empowerment of the recipient and the collective reclamation of the absolute importance of what it means to be an Earth Human. 

An Integration Session with Gita Rose – Is just that, a session with me to integrate your experience. You do not need to book a session with Bella prior to connecting with me. It can be nice sometimes to speak with a human, who understands the perspectives and to connect in a different way.

Sliding Scale options for Sessions and Packages?

YES! In process of setting this up via the booking website I use, but please feel free to contact me directly to explore options
