The main messages that Bella presents to us first and foremost, is that she is a “permission slip” a mirror, a symbol to offer us access into more of ourselves, and exploration of our own consciousness.
She stresses that “first contact is contact with self, first” There are then a series of principles she is passionate to convey to us, ways we can individually understand the mechanics of creation. To remember and integrate our own ability to perceive and feel the experience of true observational awareness thus remembering and knowing our True Nature
The narrative that Bella presents to us is usable, rich in allegory regardless if it is “true” or not. Bella is a representative of the YahYel civilization she says her lineage and those like hers are extra-dimensional Hybrids that share aspects of our DNA, a form of our descendants.
Bella and her civilization exist in a parallel universe connected to many ancient forms of Earth From their perspective, what we call “vocal channeling” is the way modern First Contact is being made with planet Earth. The heart and personality, the nuance and specificity of “extra-terrestrial” races can best be conveyed through a human connection.
Her lineage is specifically focused on the importance of the connection with Mother Earth, Gaia. Bella shares extremely ancient stories of organic forms of Earth Human evolution through and from the womb of the imagination of Mother Earth herself. Innate and essential ways of remembering Humanity’s true nature.

Bella utilizes a lot of symbolism and story in how she presents herself to us. Bella shares with us a large cannon of her world and experiences full with applicable allegory. Depicting herself in a somewhat surprising silhouette of the Victorian Era, she helps to connect many missing threads of our collective story. Including many references of cosmic collective relevance related to the wisdom of Mū and the Hawaiian Kingdom
Themes that are always up to the individual to receive and interpret the way that feels the best and most useful for them. That is the Way.
Bella is connected to many archetypes of the sacred energetic feminine. Aspects of creation that are re-emerging in our perceptions and societies at this time of great transformation her stabilizing frequency of absolute safety and objective observation offers us the ability to receive visceral, somatic, sensory contact with the vibration of our true essence.
To further feel, know, and love ourselves the way creation loves us and is always creating for us, Through us.
Bella helps to expand our capacity to receive and integrate more of our higher vibrational selves in a way that lands in the body, pun intended.
In a time of much acceleration and the ever constant pull of external focus, Bella reminds us
First Contact is Contact with Self, First

A New Return – A message from Bella