The Resurrection of the Oracle

In the wakeful whispers of the primordial void we willingly wandered into the splits and schisms of the scattering,

knowing in one age; it would be rejoined. 

After eras of over emphasized meaning and in the aftermath of the severe discord of cataclysm, these schisms further split and fractured in our being and collective. 

As the Energetic Feminine and Energetic Masculine explored the depths of distortion, systems of needed preservation and recovery were put in place. What we now know as  Patriarchy originally had an integrative purpose and balanced place in our civilization. 

And at the same time the mind began the experience of a fear of feelings. The experience of the cataclysm was not integrated and the separating from the Energetic Feminine deepened. 

Our actual reality is a divine and spiritual one of innate safety and belonging

with, and as, and of source.

It is our natural biology and function to be channels of the multidimensional and multi-universal. Made in the image of God, we are perfectly designed to be able to withstand, wield, and distribute all the voltage of creation. 

We are well aware the focus of the parental Godhead has been inverted. In the schisms and splitting there has been the overemphasis of the voltage and power being attributed to the Energetic Masculine. In actual divine reality he is overburdened and in heart break as a consequence of the severing from the Energetic Feminine. And for most part has retreated from the Domain of his Heart

into the illusory solace of the analytical mind.

The mind is not designed to withstand the voltages of the absolute quantum, that is the domain of the Body, the Energetic Feminine, The Domain of the Oracle.

And we must be embodied to allow the organic distribution

of her volume and voltage to flow without disruptions. 

The Energetic Feminine is the scope and perspective of the All That Is.

The All leaves nothing out.

So, this also means she has scope and perspective of what is her!

She has contained within her emergence the ability to self reflect.

Self to self, soul to all, all to soul.

Being the space of Aloha.

In the face of the breath that is the All’s presence. 

In a modern world we are (by a vast majority) disconnected from our bodies, nature, community and actual belonging. It’s a no brainer that the mind fractures when met with the true potential, the spiritual power of our organic spirits, souls, and bodies! 

Even in the outcasting, banishment, shame and vilification of the Energetic Feminine, she still beckons for our return, she is relentless in her love. It is the fair physics to maintain the space of scope, oneness and autonomy, self reflection.

The quantum origin will persist in calling us home. 

Yet in our most modern era we have pathologized, stigmatized, and shamed these divine spiritual experiences connected to the resurrection of the Energetic Feminine. Schizophrenia, bipolar, histrionic disorder, ADD and ADHD the list of “disorders” and classifications goes on and on and on…. 

We obviously do not have in place the proper structures and protocols to steward and nourish the experiences of this cosmic quantum return. 

We must steward The Resurrection of Oracle. 

Most often, society relates to these conditions with an overemphasis on the neuroscience while completely removing the expressions of influence the cosmic quantum domain of our soul has as our whole bodies, a holistic sacred organism. 

Not to demean the advance of science and the potential aid pharmaceuticals do have in reorienting individuals back to chemical homeostasis.

And we also, need to return to organic balance. 

Mind, Body, Soul. 

Very specific and nurturing systems were utilized in our past by many of our world’s cultures and thusly created a different perspective of the phenomenon and biological expression that has been specifically labeled in modern times, Schizophrenia. 

These divine, organic, sacred structures of stewardship and proper nourishment

lay coded within us. 

A specific lineage of record keeping has also been carefully laid down by communities throughout ancient history and into more recent antiquity. The MAHAT lineage of Mū, the Isis lineage of ancient Egypt, The Oracles of Delphi, and the Essene and Magdalene lineage, just to name a few. The codes to the importance of the restoration of the Oracle, the Energetic Feminine are to be found in various earth cultures.

As a greater symbol, this points to the innate support

and reverberations of integral, innate belonging that

are always being sent from The Mother.  

It is within the potential for every human to be an Oracle. Everyone’s path and journey is unique however in terms of how they express their purpose, power and gifts. The frequency, the voltage, the symbol of the Oracle can most certainly be helpful for individuals on their ultimate return. 

From this lens it can be felt, there actually, truly is the utmost support and guidance, woven into our bodies and hidden to find in the esoteric layers of our societies.

support to help us in the individual

and consequently collective process of total restoration. 

Appropriate honor and appreciation must be given to the sacred technology and biology that is the portal and channel of the physical female form. It is important to reemphasize, that this idea is not about feminism, gender, or expressions of the binary,

it is about Humanism. 

The absolute sacredness of the Organic Universe. 

You are invited to a ceremonial round table with Gita Rose and the Oracle ‘Ohana.

Gita Rose is a channel, artist and intuitive guide who is passionate about helping to restore the sovereign spiritual connection within individuals and our greater collective. She is a channel for Bella of the YahYel an extra-dimensional entity who primarily serves us as a symbol of the Energetic Feminine. 

Together Gita and Bella are able to offer a reflective sensory experience that reverberates the remembrance of the cosmic quantum domain. Attuned to be able to assist individuals in remembering their needed, necessary, and specific signature frequency. 

Gita is a graduate of the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Other credits include opera training at the Young Artisan’s program of Boston University’s Tanglewood Institute. She is also a RYT, registered yoga teacher. 

Although technically undiagnosed by a specialist, Gita openly admits to experiencing many, if not most of the symptoms attributed to Schizophrenia and is functioning, blossoming, and further flourishing in physical reality. 

In the delegation, the circling of the hoop your memories, thoughts, feelings, and definitions are  part of the ceremony. When we hui, circle together each offering our own unique and individual signature frequency the portal of prayer, healing and restoration expands

Share and receive! Via toning and guided meditation, the invitation to feel the emanation, the translation of your Cosmic Quantum Domain, The Mother,

The Energetic Feminine with and of you. 

As well as sensory inquiry into the messages waiting to be revealed from your sacred holistic body. Feel the innate ability to ground and relay the voltage that is the biology of the Oracle. 

Cannot attend the ceremony live? The portal is always open and your presence is everywhere. And a recording of ceremony is included and will be sent out later the same day. 

The schisms and splits of separation require our love and attention. In the sharing of our stories, the integrated retrievals of our experiences of psychosis and schizophrenia we bring new and ancient definitions forth for our individual application. 

In the redefining of the stigma we help end the disgrace and negative associations with Schizophrenia and experiences connected to the Energetic Feminine. We blossom and pollinate the return of these expressions in our societies to balanced places of divine honor, awareness, reverence and play! 

Let us reflect our reflections to each other. 

Share in our Aloha Mā! 

In the face of the breath, that is the All’s presence, now reflected. 

Work in progress – Gita Rose- 10/17

Registration will be Live soon!