I have been a creative intuitive all my life. The first half of my life I was a performer in musical theater. I graduated from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City. Then the curtain rose and the veils began to part, reintroducing to me to the state of our True Nature, divine organic channels.
Any time we do anything we love to do, connecting more deeply to our true nature and being in the ability to respond to our integrity and inspiration; we are channeling.
“Vocal Channeling” is just one form of “channeling”.
I have been connected to the mystical and the divine, maintaining various channeling states for as long as I can remember. One of my earliest memories at the age of three is receiving an apparition of Yeshua. At six, my grandmother passed away, this was my first experience of the transition of death. She was radiant in her eternal spirit, I was confused why all my family members were so sad, she was still with us and she was more glorious than ever! My Nanny told me, you are not having the same experience as them, they are not seeing and feeling what you are experiencing
I spent my childhood in nature listening to the spirits of the earth and the beyond. I was supported in my imagination and my ability to contribute in our world as my family greatly encouraged my excitement and talent to perform in musical theater. I spent my childhood connected to my spirit and expressing my imagination.
I know I can never make anyone believe the experiences of my lifetime. I have lived a life of absolute privilege. Connected to our infinite options. I can only do my best to offer my vibrational translations of the oneness and love that is innate and available to all of us
My teen years were spent in rehearsals halls and on stage while in my off hours I lead a dualistic experience of living too hard, too young, too fast in the suburban punk rock scene. It really was tame and almost idealistic, from a wider perspective of considered experiences. And yet I was exposed to and was exploring many of the darker themes of human experience
In my last semester at college in New York City I turned down the offer to star in an Off-Broadway production. My spiritual nature was reactivated and I knew there was a different role for me to play, my true self
I returned to my home of Marin County, California ready for a life free of pressure to perform. I quickly found my self beginning to slide down the rabbit hole of substance abuse. As a result of my toxic behavior towards myself I was shown very clearly, this path is not sustainable
Synchronicity led me to discover a copy of the Tao Te Ching
The codes and reverberations of the void awoke themselves in me. This was everything I had always known. This was everything I had almost forgotten. This was the Way for me
I continued to explore mindfulness meditation and realized for the first time the absolute reverence of my home county as I recognized how truly special it was for me to have the opportunity learn at the world renowned Spirit Rock Meditation center
I then met a friend while I was working at a restaurant who helped open me up to a whole new series of dimensions, she was a mystic in plain sight. With the aid of this friend I became aware of the existence of extra-terrestrial and extra-dimensional entities who were offering more insight into more truths within us all, affirmations of the truths I had always known
This is when the vocal channeling agreement with Bella began
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Shortly after the reconnection with our cosmic family, the Spirit of Earth began to call me to land within myself. I knew this was the invitation, being physicalized as the idea to visit The Hawaiian Kingdom, to live there and to learn. It was a calling deep in my soul that I resisted even as my external world reflected stubborn, sacred synchronicity. I eventually realized was being ignited with Aloha, and so I graciously surrendered to the calling
The last 13 years I have shared, studied, practiced and played. I have refined my perspectives. While I am not officially initiated in any specific lineages, I am honored to learn, compare, and reflect my experiential knowledge with powerful friends that I have met along the way from various Hawaiian, Lakota, and other Indigenous lineages.
The New Age Spiritual community is riddled with many opportunities for misdirection. Our true selves designed it that way. It is the meta of the meta. We are so courageous and creative in our ability to go through all the tricks to remember that ultimately, there is no riddle. These are the things that cannot really be spoken about. Only felt and experienced.
I have always been in negotiation with the ET entities that I was connecting to, I have my translations as I connect to the Earth of my being of how I feel humanity might best need to remember and evolve. I have always done my best to not prescribe to a directed narrative. Nor force any perspective on others, but rather encourage their own most sacred and needed sovereignty and translations of their Way. This, I have come to learn is ancient protocol for the initiation of self reflective love, enlightenment.
What “ascension” is, as I would translate it, is the return to our native natural selves.
True healing, remembrance and reorientation is simple in logic and also the path is a series of uncomfortable self initiations of reflection that become more and more fun-comfortable as we remember more fully that the process of self knowing is the point. We are here to know and love ourselves fully, only then can we love others and create worlds of love. This is the physics, the protocol and the pattern
In many ways I do speak directly to the “New Age” spiritual community, to offer ways we can continue to relax the mind and allow our full systems to function from our hearts and the belly of our quantum belonging. The way is to know the Way in You.
And there’s always an also; I aim to make myself approachable and transferable to any and all people who are interested and curious to remember for themselves, the sacred glory that is our True Nature
Amama, ua, noa
L’Alam Al mein Ah meen
And so it is
Here is a link to a YouTube video where I share the foundations of the perspectives that I have integrated from my various mystical experiences